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We are Austin + Kayla, but if you are just here for the pups we understand.

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Laundry Favorites (For The Big House)

Laundry Favorites (For The Big House)

I once read a post from a woman who talked about making her laundry room her favorite room in her house. I love the idea of taking everyday task and making them fun or useful. Sure getting the laundry done is useful, but what if you could learn something while you did it, or spend the time reflecting, dreaming or praying. What if the whole process was not only enjoyable, but efficient? Do you do this? It’s been the motivation for me to get our backroom in order and to start sharing my favorites again.

The House

Our (big) house has been a dumping ground till this last year. It was a roof over our head when Austin wasn’t working on the road, but we hadn’t spent time or energy making it our own. Since he has been back this time we decided to start making some moves. It’s still not pretty, it’s far from ideal, but it’s more efficient and I don’t dread doing the laundry anymore. As of last weekend, I’ve found remedies for every pain point and it has really made all the difference in our everyday and weekly lives. No more laundry pile up. No more guilt from having laundry piled up.

[Click here] to watch the video

[Click here] to watch the video

In this video, we wanted to share our laundry favorites with you. We included everything from stain remover to how we dry our clothes. [Click here] to watch the video. You also get a peak into the new indoor drying racks we added on the wall in the back room. I love drying clothes on the line, but sometimes it’s too humid, raining, or everything is covered in ice. These indoor drying racks will give me the freedom to still get my laundry done a day at a time instead of putting it off to wait on the weather.

A Load A Day

If camper living taught me anything it’s that laundry is much less dreadful if you do a load a day. I love products, trying new things and making spaces efficient but doing a load a day is the best way to keep the crazy away. Do you do this? If not, try challenging yourself to one week of doing a load a day. Don’t worry if the loads are small. Your machine has different options for load sizes for a reason. Notice how when your folding that it only takes you a few minutes because you didn’t let it pile up. Notice that you aren’t considering going nude come Friday because you aren’t dreading a full day of laundry the next day. This is my number one laundry favorite. Do a load a day and let me know how you feel next week!


Our Laundry Room Must Haves

Wash Cycle

Goop: https://amzn.to/2LDcPBq

FurZapper toss in: https://amzn.to/2E2z4dF


Drying rack - https://amzn.to/2LIDg8S

Other drying rack - https://amzn.to/2LEGZEl

Heavy duty clothespins: https://amzn.to/2HhmKZ2

Wool dryer balls: https://amzn.to/2HhAyCT

Clothespin bag: https://amzn.to/2Vx2gV7

Ind. clips for indoor drying rack: https://amzn.to/2VFm74I